About the Journal

The International Journal of Medical Informatics and AI (IJMIAI) is a prestigious scholarly publication dedicated to exploring the convergence of medical informatics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML). IJMIAI provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to disseminate high-quality research findings, innovative methodologies, and transformative applications in the dynamic and interdisciplinary field of medical informatics and AI.

Scope: IJMIAI covers a broad spectrum of topics related to the application of AI and ML in healthcare and medical informatics, including but not limited to:

  1. Health data analytics and mining
  2. Clinical decision support systems
  3. Electronic health records and interoperability
  4. Telemedicine and remote patient monitoring
  5. Health informatics standards and interoperability
  6. AI-driven medical imaging analysis
  7. Natural language processing in healthcare
  8. Health information privacy and security
  9. AI-based personalized medicine
  10. Healthcare quality improvement and patient safety

Publication Types: IJMIAI publishes original research articles, review articles, case studies, and application notes, providing a comprehensive and multidisciplinary view of the latest advancements and trends in medical informatics and AI. The journal also welcomes perspectives, commentaries, and opinion pieces addressing emerging issues and challenges in the field.

Audience: IJMIAI caters to a diverse audience, including:

  1. Researchers and academics in medical informatics, AI, and ML
  2. Healthcare professionals and clinicians interested in leveraging AI technologies
  3. Health IT professionals and informaticians involved in healthcare system design and implementation
  4. Industry professionals in healthcare IT, medical device manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals
  5. Policymakers, regulators, and public health officials shaping healthcare policies and regulations
  6. Students and educators seeking knowledge and insights into medical informatics and AI applications in healthcare

Editorial Team: The editorial team of IJMIAI comprises leading experts and scholars in medical informatics, AI, and healthcare. Led by an Editor-in-Chief and supported by Associate Editors, Editorial Board Members, and Reviewers, the team ensures the rigorous peer review process and maintains the highest standards of scientific integrity and editorial excellence.

Mission: The mission of IJMIAI is to advance the frontier of knowledge at the intersection of medical informatics and AI, promote interdisciplinary research collaborations, and facilitate the translation of innovative technologies into clinical practice for improving patient care, healthcare delivery, and population health outcomes globally.

Current Issue

Vol. 12 No. 12 (2025): IJMII
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